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About Us

Blooming Kids Too! LLC

We are moms owned and operated by Christy Knecht and Dani Quiroz.

Since 2000, Ms. Christy has been residential treatment facility counselor, teacher (public private & alternative), keynote speaker for both The state & County, trained under Pete Wright to be an educational advocate, ABA consultant for Chester Co. School District, private practice with Dr John Simpson, PhD, Alternative family living provider, owner Blooming Kids Learning Center and MOM to a special kiddo. 
Ms. Dani is a mother of a child with special needs, Leah who is the inspiration of this entire dream. Ever since Leah's diagnosis I knew I wanted to create a safe space for her, for us, and for every child and adult who are in our shoes. A playground, a sensory gym, a therapy place where they won't "discharge her" because she is too loud, or too stubborn, too hard to work with, or aging out of the center, a community group as she got older, these were just ideas in my head, which is now a reality!

Let's make our dreams a reality-TOGETHER.





  • Learn & be successful in a group environment

  • Follow both solo and group instructions the FIRST time!(yes! it Is possible lol)

  • Both respond to and initiate social/play interactions 

  • Possess age appropriate self help/daily life skills

  • Succeed in academics

  • Utilize socio dramatic & play skills to have fun WITHOUT screen time.

  • Accept and adapt appropriately to changes in plans/activities

  • Attend to and respond to group leaders

  • Have movie & s'mores night with friends

  •  Learn to swim/water safety

  •  Not only have a place to throw a b-day party, but also have friends who will SHOW UP

Then contact us today & your child can be a Blooming Kid TOO!


Where the Passion Begins

Christy Knecht

Owner and therapist

Dani Quiroz

co-owner and

 Chief Executive Director


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